Barry didn't tell time like the hairies did. He didn't know when from. He knew many peoples. He knew he was from a long time. He knew most hairies were BIG WEIRD when he talked like them. He knew some songs of theirs.
It was a couple times dark when the Girl didn't come home, and she always did. She didn't keep him in the stupid box because she knew he was too smart for DUMB CAGE STUPID VAFFANCULO NOT GO. Had it, never closed it.
DO use words to fix it?
To what PEEPEL? Who knows?
George know. The NotMan was smart. He made whistles like many birds. He was a thing on a phone and Barry was a goodboi and sometimes knew how THAT DON"T TOUCH BARRY thing worked. He found a phone. You could POKE. Just poke--but it also did a SAY THINGS. Girl tried to make SAY THINGS not work, but Barry was very good at SAY THINGS.
Girl was old and had a phone Barry knew about. He pressed the George face and George answered PRONTO.
"DO find a gurl."