Friday, February 25, 2011

Random Meat--it's been a long time since I've rock and rolled.

This is a picture of someone who is delighted to have a box with meat in it. And who wouldn't be? From the marbling and the bright red color, you can tell that this is a pretty good steak, but really, this should be promptly wrapped and refrigerated--or slapped on a skillet, at her nearest convenience. As the meat is pulled from a box, and there appears to be no mess, I suspect she might have some dried aged beef, which might be why she is happy to pose with it, but if that's the case, the color isn't quite dark enough. But lucky her if her box has some properly seasoned aged steak.  I suggest she acquire a nice Beaujolais and for an easy veggie dish, quickly braise some tender asparagus spears in a pan, and then, dump the water and finish'em with a little plus gras butter and pepper. Add a mixto salad with oil & vinegar and a great loaf of bread, and you simply can't eat better. If her meal is that easy and built around a great piece of beef--no wonder she's smiling!

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