This watercooler from Ovopur I saw at Luxist.com.
The Meatman (hey, I gotta call him something!) likes Luxist because of truly gorgeous (but crazy-expensive) watches and gadgets. I like it because of the costly and sometimes quite ugly handbags occasionally featured (I do not know why, but I like seeing very ugly and expensive things--it means that people with money but no taste spend too much on them, which I can't help but think creates balance in the world, somehow). But every now and then one sees something that actually just looks worth it from the design point of view.
This is that sort of thing. It's stylish, it's made of recycled materials, and if it got smashed, the bits themselves are recyclable....and the spouse does not drink tap water.
I do. It blends well with bourbon and provides the fluoride and chlorine my body needs, anyway. But I'd probably drink more filtered water if I was drinking it out of art.
I love that Thing - and your blog is like my ADD-riddled mind.