Monday, March 24, 2025

Nature Red in Tooth and Claw 2

 So what does Uncle Billy's bite do for your lad? Well, great question, because Mam said it affected different folks differently, and what happened with Billy (a by-blow, not a direct son of sons and all) wasn't necessarily what would happen with himself. Billy was glad to pass on the mantle, since the Last War did his skull in. 

Well, Tom learned it gave him a growth spurt, putting on seven inches height and three stone of muscle after he should have well been done growing. It did what the local's select claimed to do and put more hair on his chest (and a bit on his back) than what he had before. It gave him a feral smile that was sure to disturb people who paid too close attention, His beard started well-nigh his temples and he became good at a close shave, affecting a brilliantly naff moustache that frankly, disarmed ladies unexpectedly. 

It also gave him a shock of white hair (and he discovered, a bit of white in his beard too.)  Mam tried to explain he went through a lot too fast. And whether he would change when aroused was another thing he would sort on his own. 

His appetite was enormous. He got fast and weirdly stour. It was like his body was restless in several directions. He smelled different things in the air and felt like his lungs found a new room to breathe in. And he saw differently at night.

But then again, it was all medieval tripe. He was bound to certain rules, like the observance of the three nights' fast about the full of the moon., along with the staying hame and not tempting fate. Also, he was bound to support the clan of the claw and maw, and the land that supported them. He had a book of history and observance to keep him mindful. He had vowed not to let his monster be his master. 

Mam and the Village ladies discussed whether he still was an eligible bachelor or no, but he knew well he was getting called for the Big thing before the Big Thing even commenced.  He didn't know how he knew, but when they showed up they were going to give him a false name to do his honorable business behind, and he already felt afraid. And Mad Billy went off for the hills one night, and he was asked what languages he knew by the Intelligencers. (He wanted to go after Uncle, but they told him it wasn't within remit.)

But languages? 

It was a backwater, but he wasn't feeble. He could manage in a few continental tongues if he had to. (Did Latin count?)  Apparently, though his obvious skillset was as a bloody tank, he was going to learn how to do intelligence. (They learned he could do all kinds of languages.)

Apparently, he had something the boffins could measure called 'animal magnetism" and they wanted to see his influence in action. And if worst came to worst--he could fight his way out of a jam. He was a good shot and an excellent stalker, and had given more than one black eye over his family name. 

There was something greater out there. He felt like he was grown to fill it. 

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