Saturday, June 19, 2010

More miserable earworm t.v. themes--

Seems I must have mentally blocked-out a few!

Did you know that you can sing the lyrics to Gilligans Island to the song "Ghost Riders in the Sky"? Go ahead, try it. Now that you know that, your brain won't ever stop trying to do that. You're welcome. Also, almost all Emily Dickinson poems fit "The Yellow Rose of Texas". (You know you want to--"I like to see it lap the miles and lick the valleys up...." I learned that from the post-WKRP Howard Hesseman show Head of the Class.)

Oh--here's a song I had in my head like, a couple weeks ago:

Someone brought up the show Small Wonder in conversation at work because we have a co-worker named Vicki. The theme is so weirdly retro and Lawrence-Welk-ish to be matched with a show whose premise was basically that artificial intelligence in the form of a small girl could eventually pass a Turing test. I don't think the show ever really acknowledged that the idea of a very life-like small child was kind of creepy in an "uncanny valley" kind of way. Also, the idea of a super-strong child-like intelligence was usually used to accentuate the ironic physical strength of a robotic construct diguised as a child for comedic purposes, while more fascinating questions regarding what really is a sentient being were left unsatisfactorally answered--also, Vicky usually wore the same dress all the time. That's very like a robot, especially if she never had BO. A dead giveaway, if you ask me.

What is worse than having the TMNT theme in your head?

I'll tell you what--you could have Oshikuru in your head. "Oh oh oh oh--Oshikuru!" Yeah. You can't unhear that. That isn't even a real theme song to a real show. Damn you, Two and a Half Men! Damn your stupid souls to hell!

Oh, this video leads to a whole jukebox--

I Dream of Jeannie is not a rerun I often watch--but I've had it stuck in my head after watching "Ferris Bueller" (which is the first movie in which I ever saw Charlie Sheen, who is in Two and A Half Men--he's at the end, as a juvenile delinquent who the Jennifer Grey character meets in the police station. Everything flows. Everything.) I like this link because it leads to some eighties-ishness.

Okay--next thing I post is retro, and well, this is the words to the Andy Griffith Show:

You can't unhear that, either. Again, you're welcome. Isn't that better than just whistling? And won't that be stuck in your head, too?

A lot of my generation drifted aimlessly through life, taking drugs, binge-drinking, never really fitting in anywhere. It's because of Saturday morning programming, and stuff like this in our heads. Will Ferrell is a very talented comedian who nonetheless felt compelled to do movies based on Bewitched and Land of the Lost. Both movies sucked--I blame the brainwashing from the evil movie themes.

For what it's worth, I'm glad I don't have access to the Star Trek Theme with words. That would probably wreck me.

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